Thursday, May 10, 2007

Only one Custom DirectX transform is working others are not working

I am implementing the sepia filter because RGB to Gray effect is already available in basic effects in DirectX transform.

Next I faced the problem in the DirectX transform filter.

I copied the Wipe transform filter and devleoped the simple DirectX transform filter. it works well.

I copied the same wipe transform filter and developed the Sepia transform filter and after the compilation, it is not working.

Even though this filter has differnt GUID in an .idl file, the first DirectX transform filter which is not working well after the compilation of the

second directX transform filter .

Solution :
The DirectX transform filter is not registered in the registry.

I just copied the DirectX transform filter.

It has ".rgs" files which is used to register the filter's Guid on the registry.

we must manually write this ".rgs" file. Depends upon the GUID of a transform filter, I changed the ".rgs" file.

Now it is working fine.

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